Improve collaboration and management of your ‘Creative Brief’s’

An established procedure in most media or advertising agencies is to write a creative brief for every new campaign that a customers might want to implement.

The understanding is that the creative brief should help to consolidate the knowledge of the account manager that he/she has about the upcoming campaign and give the creative team a circle of activity space in which they are encouraged to find appropriate solutions to the stated campaign problem.

A successful campaign builds on its ability for a creative team to find novel solutions to communicate to an ever increasing cluttered media and an overloaded consumer, meaning that reconnecting with past experience is essential to compare what did and what did not work.

Speaking of which, it is inevitable for smaller and medium size agencies as well as for large agencies to keep their knowledge in one place so that creative teams can use cross-referencing and collaboration as tool to stimulate the creative process.

Most large agencies use their own accounting system to deal with information about customers and their campaign progress but what about small and medium size agencies, how can they get an equal chance of collaboration without involving too much resources and administration.

It is a common approach, that information is stored in office documents but this will bring one only so far as it can be reviewed by the ones with knowledge of their existence. Interlinking documents and information is the most appropriate way to reconnect past experience with present problems. But not only interlinking them is important, the difference  is made by quality of the taxonomy (type of connection) used, so that various retrieval automatism can accelerate access and search precision.

Using Semantic Mediawiki and Forms

Using the help of Semantic Mediawiki and Semantic Forms can give an easy tool at hand without having spent too much time in educating employees and administrators.

The creative brief normally consists of more or less similar information containing target audience, market and product information, media, and message. Using those entities a form can be fairly easily be created with help of Semantic Forms and look like below.

The secret are structured data

The form make use of structured data fields that are pre-defined by the systems, implying that one don’t have worry too much about development or adoption.

Fields automatically can be customized, so that auto-completion or cross-referencing is possible without additional development and access to information is self-exploratory as well as straight forward.

It is a tool but not a magic show 

A lot of people expect that ones such a system is deployed it can work wonders but it only works as tool, helping organizing data and information in way it is more accessible implying that members of an organization constantly store those information in order to re-connect it.

For the case above, once information are stored with proper semantics pairs, the systems provides a reusing  and cross-reference ability on:

  • Display all documents related to a specific account
  • Display all document managed by the account manager
  • Select creative briefs where specific target segments (youth, professional etc.) are used
  • Certain type of type of media was preferred
  • Attached files (office, pdf etc.) or research documents

Other information can be attached at any time by linking too the same semantic pair, which means semantic properties with the same value can be group and categorized by its meaning independently from any existing search algorithm.

What has the user to do?

He or she just have to follow some simple rules in how, what and where to input the information, and let the system support in a way in handles the data.

What does it cost?

As the system shown above, it is all based on the freely available software used by Wikipedia and some extensions that smart developers have provided for free. The cost running a web server where those components are installed should not add much cost to any existing IT infrastructure.

What do I gain?

A collaboration tool that has been used worldwide (Wikipedia) to disseminated knowledge, a proven and stable development framework and a large community that is eager to support a free tool of collaboration. A tool that store information most other collaboration systems can’t do for now because storing semantic information has not been a primal focus of commercial application.

What about security?

As always, the system can only be as secure as its weakest link, meaning the existing infrastructure should be designed as required by its organization otherwise the shown scenario should be used as open gate within the organization to encourage collaboration.


No freebie with the New York Times anymore, the new online subscription model

After years of enjoying free content, the NYTimes announced that from 28 Mar 2011[1] the newspaper would start to charge for its content. The price tag of 15$ per month would allow general access but it seems it will be a hard threshold for many of its readers, as their used to have access for free to a news source that made a difference at least in the US (in Europe there is a more heterogeneous newspaper market with a greater variety of quality papers to choose from).

Newspaper and advertising was from the beginning a legitimate business concept to pay for the cost of a newspaper but in times of online content it was also clear that it can’t be enough to cover the cost, particularly with a declining print readership. While switching barriers are low (don’t have to cancel the newspaper and delivery, just change the URL) in awaking of the internet newspapers in general had challenges to build a loyal community that pays for its content and at the same time stays loyal to the content provided. Continue reading



日 ↓ リンク ↓ インタネットの出所 ↓
4月12日 事故評価 最悪のレベル7へ <>
3月24日 水道水 16か所で指標超える <>
3月23日 都の水道水 放射性物質を検出 <>






4月01日 – 4月12日

3月15日 – 3月24日

横浜市内データの平均 (3月15日 – 3月24日)


  • 「データがない」の表示は、東京電力の計画停電により測定ができなかった時間帯です。
  • 単位は、ナノグレイ[nGy/h]です。
  • データは、当分の間、3時間ごとに更新いたします。
  • 専門機関のホームページによると、1Gy[グレイ]=0.8Sv[シーベルト]となります。
  • 1ナノグレイ[nGy]は、1グレイ[Gy]の10億分の1にあたります。



3月15日 – 3月24日



  • 16日11時まではm(ミリ)Sv/h単位で表記していましたが、μ(マイクロ)Sv/h単位に改めました。
  • 1μ(マイクロ)Sv/h=1,000n(ナノ)Sv/h  1μ(マイクロ)Sv/h=0.001m(ミリ)Sv/h
  • 3月11日12時~3月14日24時の観測データは 0.032から0.034μ(マイクロ)Sv/hです。









メデェア出所 リンク
NY Times 15 Mar 2011 Japan Faces Potential Nuclear Disaster as Radiation Levels Rise
NY Times 15 Mar 2011 Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami
Der Spiegel 15 Mar 2011 Inkompetenz und Irreführung
BBC 15 Mar 2011 Radiation fears after Japan blast
NY Times 16 Mar 2011 Japan Says 2nd Reactor May Have Ruptured With Radioactive Release
NY Times 17 Mar 2011 U.S. Calls Radiation ‘Extremely High;’ Sees Japan Nuclear Crisis Worsening
NY Times 17 Mar 2011 Radiation Fears and Distrust Push Thousands From Homes
NY Times 17 Mar 2011 Radiation at Fukushima Daiichi
NY Times 18 Mar 2011 Frantic Repairs Go On at Plant as Japan Raises Severity of Crisis
Der Spiegel 18 Mar 2011 Betreiber prüft Sarkophag-Bau wie in Tschernobyl
BBC 18 Mar 2011 Japan raises nuclear alert level
NY Times 19 Mar 2011 Japan Confirms High Radiation in Spinach and Milk Near Nuclear Plant
NY Times 20 Mar 2011 Japan Makes Progress at Nuclear Reactors, but Contamination Spreads
BBC 21 Mar 2011 Japan nuclear progress as toll up
NY Times 21 Mar 2011 Japan Extended Reactor’s Life, Despite Warning
NY Times 23 Mar 2011 New Problems at Japanese Plant Subdue Optimism
NY Times 24 Mar 2011 Japan Tries to Ease Fears About Safety of Its Tap Water
BBC 24 Mar 2011 Fukushima workers in hospital after radiation exposure
Reuters 24 Mar 2011 Radiation scare sparks run on bottled water in Tokyo
Reuters 24 Mar 2011 China factories yet to register Japan quake impact
Strait Times 24 Mar 2011 Hong Kong’s Japanese stores feel the pinch
Der Spiegel 24 Mar 2011 Überlebende verzweifelt gesucht

測定 (ガイガーカウンタによる放射線量のお陰で)

設置場所:北緯:35°39′ 28.08″, 東経:139°24’05.40″, (MAP, 地図) 標高:101m 東京都日野市南平2丁目, 木造住宅2階窓辺, 100 CPM が約 1 マイクロシーベルト/hr





放射線防護機材(マスク、手袋、衣服等) (09-04-10-02)

防護手袋は、日本工業規格(JIS)の仕様によれば(1)放射性物質による手の汚染を防ぐため用いられるゴム手袋で、材料には厚さ0.2~0.35mmの天然ゴムラテックスが使われ、特にピンホールのないことが要求されている(JIS Z4812)。(2)管電圧150kV以下のX線 診療で被ばくを低くするために用いる含鉛のゴム手袋で、0.25~0.5mmPbの鉛当量を持ち、手全体及び前腕の1/2以上が覆われる形式とした手袋である(JIS Z4802)。
呼吸保護具は 表1 に示すように大きく3つに分類される。
口と鼻の部分のみをカバーする半面マスク、顔全体をカバーする全面マスクなど肺力によって作業環境の空気を面体に取り付けた粒子フィルタあるいは呼吸缶で濾過しながら呼吸するもので、小型軽量であるため、使用が大変簡単である。個人に配布されて最も使用される頻度が大きい。全面マスクの構造を 図1 に示す。これらのマスクでは顔との密着性能により防護効果は大きく左右される。最近普及しつつあるバッテリー駆動式の空気濾過装置を携行する動力浄気式のマスクは、面体が常に陽圧に維持されていると誰でも大きい防護効果が得られる。
空気汚染の心配のない区域から清浄な空気を加圧ホースを通して全面マスク、フード、ブラウスやスーツ(換気加圧服)内に給気するものである。換気加圧服は最も防護効果が大きいものの一つであり、高濃度汚染雰囲気での比較的長時間作業を安全に行うために使用される。トリチウムの保護などを対象とする場合には、服の材料を通しての浸透性に注意せねばならない。換気加圧服と全身密閉服の例を 図2 に示す。
防護係数(protection factor:PF)は、ここでは防護器具での防護効果を表す係数で、例えば防護マスクの防護係数が40であれば、マスクを着けないときに比べ、着けたときの摂取量は1/40に低下することを意味する。
事故や火災時のような緊急時においては、現場が混沌としていたり高濃度の空気汚染、酸欠が疑われるような状況では、行動性のある自給式呼吸器が用いられる。特に面体内が常に陽圧に保たれるプレッシャデマンド型の呼吸器は防護係数も高いので、適切な保護衣類と共に緊急時の初期の防護活動に無くてはならないものである。防護係数の最も高い空気供給式の加圧服もこのような状況の下では、スーツの切り裂きの恐れや、エアラインホースの破損、停電による送風の喪失の恐れがあり使用に適さない。 防護具をじっさいに使用するに当たっては、作業現場の条件に最も適したものを選ぶことになる。先ず、第1には、空気汚染や床汚染のレベルを参考にしてどの程度の防護係数が必要かが決められ、作業性や着用感の良いもの、着脱や除染の容易なものが選ばれる。また、放射能以外の危険性も考慮する必要がある。通話能力は極めて重要な要素である。
呼吸保護具を着用したときの防護効果は、塩化ナトリウムなどのエアロゾルをトレーサとしたマンテスト( 図3 )によって実測される。環境中のエアロゾル濃度と呼吸保護具内の濃度の測定から、前出の式によって防護係数が求められる。
(1) Respiratord and protective clothing. IAEA Safety Series No.22 (1967).
(2) Manual of respiratory protection against airborne radioactive materials. NUREG-0041 (1976).
(3) JIS T-8115,T-8150,T-8152,T-8156,T-8157,T-8159,T-8160, Z-4809, Z-4810
(4) 飯田博美(編):放射線用語辞典、(株)通商産業研究社(1996)

Information dissemination and the impact on brand perception

The current events and news flashes around some established companies and their brands, posses questions on how information in social networks can positively or negatively influence a brand image. The question is, does a social network create enough emotional interaction with a brand to influence consumers buying process.

Brand associations

The common theory on brand management is that by building brand associations the consumer can construct a favourable brand image that will lead to a positive attitude which can help in the buying decisions. Continue reading

How do family members influence each other’s buying behaviour?

[UUID] The consumer decision making process is influenced by various factors, those factors can be summarized as social, psychological and personal factors. Social factors include reference groups and group compliance so that behaviour is influenced by specific values, codes and culture and distinguishes groups from each other.

A family[1] brings its own values, codes and rituals and represent a special reference group with family members frequently exchanging feedback on consumed products and/or future planned purchases. This interaction is a fundamental building block in influencing purchase behaviour within a family. Continue reading

Wikileaks and its Impact on International Relations

While still being a preliminary post, trying to reflect on the material is somewhat painstaking, and to estimate the influence on the international community is much to early  as other stories unfold themselves that are related but not directly a cause of the released documents.

All this started at 28 Nov 2010, when Wikileaks revealed documents (hereafter referenced as cablegate) on How US embassies (270 embassies) have gathered information about host countries and How their were reported to the US State Department. Continue reading

Semantics that help to visualize information and interconnections

There are a vast amount of information stored in websites, wikis and social networks, but how do we process those information within a give time frame without being lost and disoriented.

Trying to visualize knowledge relations is one way to help organize what we know and we are by far faster in processing visual information than text information (comprehension of visual signals over text). Continue reading

China, Japan and regional influence

The Chinese society is described by a high degree of power centralization in the hands of an elected group of people. The control process in Chinese organization (even only researched on behalf of overseas Chinese organizations) has been described as of “dictatorship by the owner-manager” [Montagu-Pollock 1991:23] consisting of nepotism, obligations networks, paternalism or patronage[Bond 2008:293] combined with a strong interest in wealth and a social hierarchy that is based on Confucian values, where the leader is sensitive to the needs of his subordinates[Schlevogt 2002:36].

International political ambition

Watching China on the international political stage, some of those traits are reflected in how China communicates with its allies and partners. Continue reading

What is Strategy? (Porter 1996)

Title: What is Strategy?
Status: In review , [UUID]
Author: Michael E Porter+
Source: Harvard Business Review, November-December: 61-78
Keyword: Strategy+Operational Effectiveness+Strategic Positioning+Core Competence+
Citation: Porter 1996+
Michael E Porter, (1996) “What is Strategy?“, Harvard Business Review, November-December: 61-78 BibTeX,Scholar

Michael Porter is associated with the positioning school (Mintzberg 2002:23), who’s analytical approach sees strategy making mainly based on a process to identify drivers(forces) of intra-industry competition and its corresponding barriers. His reasoning is based on the assumption that a company who deliberately choose a position within an industry and at the same time is able to combine activities in a different fashion, can create sustainable competitive advantages that will lead to profitability and with it sustain competition.

Aside this more general position of Porter, in an article from 1996, he asks “What is Strategy” and discussed operational efficiency in connection with strategy making and he advised that those two things should not (can not) be used interchangeably.

Below their is a summary of Porter’s main arguments from his article and what he sees as main components on strategy and how to distinguish between operational efficiency and strategy.  Continue reading